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*** /RootedPORTUGAL'2024 - Atividade principal Portugal ***

-=] About RootedPORTUGAL 2024

RootedPORTUGAL is a technology congress that will take place in Lisbon (Portugal) from May 24 to 25, 2024.

With an estimated attendance of 355 people for the first edition, it aims to be one of the most relevant congresses in the country, with participants ranging from students, law enforcement agents, technology sector professionals, information security enthusiasts, and more.

This will be the first edition in Portugal, and we want to make it truly special :) We've included in the two-day congress, lectures, training activities, and networking among participants!

-=] Types of lectures

We will mainly accept two types of lectures:

    Fast talks: 20 minutes.
    Standard talks: 50 minutes.

There will be a limited number of lectures of both types, with even the possibility of working with the Congress agenda to extend a talk beyond the 20-minute limit or to reduce a 50-minute one.

We encourage you to BE ORIGINAL in your proposals. We accept out-of-the-box lectures and various themes, about culture or politics (but always related to technological concepts or Information Security).

-=] International flavors

There is simultaneous translation in Portuguese-English, English-Portuguese, Portuguese-Spanish, and Spanish-Portuguese in all sessions, so don't hesitate to submit a lecture, whatever your origin :)

Don't forget to indicate the language in which you will present:


          [PT] - Portuguese
          [ES] - Spanish
          [EN] - English

=] Themes we are looking for

Any interesting topic related to TECHNOLOGY, such as the examples below:

    ANY original theme that contributes content to our audience!
    APT, botnets, and malware.
    Obviously, ransomware!
    BIO Hacking and alternative disciplines.
    Any hacking topic in any environment: IP, OT, IoT, Cloud, EDGE, Satellites, Mobile Phones...
    Reverse engineering, debugging, hooking, fuzzing, exploiting, DFIR,...
    Financial Technology (FinTech).
    Hardware hacking, Jtag, SWJ, Dap, consoles,...
    Video games, cheats...
    Cryptography, steganography, covert channels,...
    DEV: MQTT, AMQP, development standards, distributed development, CI/CD...
    OPS: puppet, jenkins, orchestration, virtualization and containers, artifacts,...
    AI: How to hack, use for hacking. LLM, Prompt hacking, DeepLearnng (please, no slideware here... we all know it's a hot topic, but dedicate some time to research)
    Culture, philosophy and ethics, future, innovation... the world!

-=] Lecture registration

Only lectures submitted through the official speaker form will be accepted:

https://cfp.rootedcon.com/ (Both in Portuguese and English)

Any other lecture submission will be considered "unofficial" and will not have any guarantee of being selected.

-=] Benefits and privileges of the speaker

Each speaker will benefit from the following advantages and privileges:

    ONE extra ticket for a companion (1 ticket) to attend the event.
    Dinner with all speakers, trainers and trainees from RootedLABS, sponsors, and the RootedPORTUGAL team (no companions, family, or relatives).
    Accommodation (RootedPORTUGAL covers the costs, including the companion's)
    Travel (RootedPORTUGAL covers the speaker's costs)
    Full access to all congress areas throughout the event.
    Some free drinks at the surprise party :)
    Potential job offers.
    A gift from the organization.

-=] Duties and obligations of the speaker

All speakers who submit a lecture and are selected must:

a) Confirm that their lecture is TECHNICAL and is supported with Proof of Concepts (PoCs). If PoCs are not available, this must be justified.

b) Send the lecture materials on the agreed dates before the congress. Please include details about the PoCs.

c) Explicitly accept that all lecture materials, such as audio and video, will be published, regardless of the format and mechanism in RootedPORTUGAL's or other content management systems.

Please, make sure you understand your duties as a speaker before submitting a proposal.

-=] Sponsors and Partners

RootedPORTUGAL is looking for quality sponsors. If you have a proposal or think your organization might be interested, please contact us at:


IMPORTANT: due to the technical nature of the congress and preferences shown by stakeholders in various surveys, we recommend potential sponsors to work on a lecture aligned with our audience's expectations.

Any help, comment, idea, proposal, or collaboration will be thoroughly evaluated: it is very important for our Congress to receive these kinds of new ideas, as we depend on you to give our best in building the Event.

-=] Critical aspects to consider

    Time management and lecture duration are fundamental to the Congress. It is preferable to request a longer period than to try to fit into a maximum of twenty minutes, without time for interesting questions from the audience.

    We will evaluate with more interest lectures considered EXCLUSIVE, which have not been presented in any other forum, blog, web, event, or congress.

    We believe in responsible Full-disclosure, so if your idea is to show a 0day, we need confirmation that you have contacted the manufacturer/victim. If this contact has not been made, we can help you in this regard.

    We can cancel the relationship with the speaker if the materials are not provided on time. Delays can impact travel, accommodation, and other benefits.

    PLEASE, it is very important that BE CLEAR on the details of your travel and accommodation needs when submitting your lecture; if you have not confirmed your needs, RootedPORTUGAL maintains the right to not cover new needs not initially submitted.

-=] How to contact:


-=] Our links

    Website: https://www.rootedcon.com/en/
    RootedManager: https://reg.rootedcon.com/
    Twitter: @rootedcon #rootedcon, #rooted #rooted2024 or #rootedPORTUGAL
    Facebook: http://bit.ly/fbookrooted
    LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/linkedinrooted
    Rooted Mailing-list (Spanish): rootedcon@listas.rooted.es
    Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/rootedconmadrid
    Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/rootedcon